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60 Years is a Long Time

April 3, 2011

We celebrated my Grandma and Grandpa Baker’s 60th wedding anniversary. It was so much fun! We went to a steak house in Ohio with my Grandparents, parents, aunts and uncles, and my cousin Melissa and her boyfriend Randy. It was so fun to see everyone and catch up with my family. I really don’t get to see them enough!I am so proud of my grandparents for being together for so long. They truly love each other so much! They are a testament to God’s love and grace. I also thought it was a little sad that the anniversary cards only go up to 25 years…not even the card industry gives marriage much hope anymore. Well, God is using my Grandma and Grandpa to add a little hope into the world that marriage can last a lifetime and that it is worth it! Here are some pics!

The Two Love-Birds

Mom and Me

The Girls

My Two Favorite Guys

P.S. Nathan got Swordfish…It was gross.

From → Family, Love, Old, Steak

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