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April 24, 2011

Today was a good day. We got new tires for Hansel, our car. Our tires were so bad, I haven’t even ridden in the car all week because I was to nervous. I am so thankful that God provided the money for that.

This afternoon we went and saw Insidious. It was a terrifying movie! I screamed so much! It was so good and clean. It wasn’t gory, sexy, or violent…just terrifying.

Tomorrow is Easter. I LOVE Easter. The significance of what Christ did on the cross has really become real to me the last few months. I do not deserve the sacrifice or forgiveness that Christ offers…yet the offer is still there for all. The FACT that my sins are forgiven blows my mind. Because I have experienced the undeserved forgiveness and grace of God I can be gracious and offer true forgiveness to others. Christ accomplished so much when He defeated sin and death. He redeemed us from our sins. Because of Him we have hope in life, death, relationships, everything. God has given me an opportunity to display true forgiveness to someone recently. Only by His grace and strength could I forgive this person. But He gave that to me and my relationship with this person is so much better then it ever was. I had the choice to become bitter and angry at this person but God gave me the courage, strength, grace, hope, and humility to forgive and I am so thankful for that. How can I not forgive people when Christ forgave me? I didn’t ask for His forgiveness first…He died 2,000 years before I was born…He offered it first. I guess what I am trying to say is if there is someone you need to forgive…ask God to help you to do it. It may be one of the hardest things you ever do but God will equip you to do it and you won’t regret it. I am so thankful for Christ’s sacrifice this Easter and for His forgiveness for my sins and for my relationship with Him. I encourage you to read John this Easter season…especially if you have never experienced Christ’s forgiveness or a relationship with Him. If you have any questions feel free to ask! 🙂


One Comment
  1. Very encouraging. Thanks Babe!

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