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Do it for the Biscuit!!!

May 7, 2011

This morning we woke up at 5 am in the morning. Why, you may ask, because Nathan’s best friend John David was running the mini marathon! Nate, John, his wife Janelle, and I stayed at Nate’s parents last night. We all carbo loaded at TGI Friday’s the night before (even though John was the only one running)! We stayed up until 1 am watching (only half of the) Green Hornet and making shirts to cheer John on. We were the John David Squad. I was a little nervous about waking up early because I am a protector of my sleep, but boy was it worth it! Indianapolis is so nice in the morning. I just love it! We parked by the canal in Indy and walked to the start line. It was so fun watching all the runners and feeling the excitement of all these crazy people getting ready to run 13.1 miles!! We stalked the different news stations and tried to position ourselves in the background. I’m not sure if that was a good idea though because we all looked pretty rough at 6am! It was so fun spending time with Nate, John, and Janelle. John spent most of the time stretching and getting in the zone. We spent our time talking, finishing Nate’s shirt, and tripping over seeing-eye dogs…It was time to head to C Corral to get John in the right place. After singing the National Anthem and watching some fireworks and waiting a few more minutes…and almost getting hit by all of the pants being thrown off by the runners…the race started!! John was out of sight and it was time to make our way to the finish line. After walking to the finish line/party area and getting our whining out about the walk before the guy that just ran 13.1 miles rejoined us, we found a decent spot to watch for John. The winner won in 1 hour and 2 minutes!!! It was exhilarating to watch him run across the finish line. There was this won guy whose little boys joined him right before the finish line and ran with him! It was so adorable, I may have had a couple of tears in my eyes…There was also this really old man that was super fast and as soon as he came running towards the finish line everyone just started cheering. It was so cool! Then at 1 hour and 42 minutes in John David came running in!!!! It was so exciting to see him and cheer him to the finish. It started raining a bit so we started our walk back towards the party area to meet up with John. We decided to visit Flap Jacks for breakfast since it was only 10am! Once we got home we all crashed and then finished the Green Hornet. It was a good day! I love the people I spent it with! Also, Nate decided he wants to run next year so I’m super excited about that! I love going to sporting events like this!!!

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