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First Sewing Project

January 19, 2012
I got a sewing machine from my Grandma and Grandpa Baker over a year ago. A couple of weeks ago my mom-in-law helped me figure it out. Turns out I wasn’t threading it right. Who knew such a tiny difference could lead to so many knotted messes. Well I finally made my first sewing project. It is a bag for my yoga mat. It is super easy to make and super cute! I got the pattern from this adorable blog. I didn’t follow the pattern exactly…I guess I sew like I cook. It was super easy and actually a lot of fun. Here are some pictures of the finished product. Bart helped me model it. Please forgive me, I was still in my pajama’s and hadn’t showered yet at 9pm when I made the bag. It was my day off and I was cleaning and doing projects all day…don’t judge me.

I love the fabric

The adorable patch that I added

Barty had to get into the picture too.
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