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Cleaning and Other Ramblings

May 9, 2012

It’s amazing how dirty a house can get so quickly. Only one man, one woman, and two cats live here. The cats are indoor cats so it’s not like they are bringing in dirt all of the time. We have hardwood floors, which prayed for and love. Having them has made me realize how dirty the floors get. I get away with sweeping them every other day but it amazes me how much dirt and grime there is. Sweeping is so much easier than vacuuming though. I have a Rainbow Vacuum cleaner that my Grandparents got around the same time my dad graduated college. I love that it is a great vacuum cleaner and that you can see all the nasty that it sucks into the water bowl but I hate that it weighs approximately the same amount that I do. I also do not miss lugging it up and down the stairs at the lake house. My broom weighs probably 1lb and a half and I do not have any stairs clean, that makes this new place completely worth it to me! hahahah…ohhh…I’m such a slacker.

So I am watching Sleepless in Seattle. Nora Ephron is a genius. I love her movies. I love her books. I love her! I want to meet her someday. She is so witty and Tom Hanks character is so sarcastic…I love it!

Well, Nathan should be home from work soon. I got in trouble yesterday because I left my keys in the door outside all evening and he found them when he got home at midnight…ooops…I use to do it all the time by accident in Heritage Lake. He would get after me there but he got really upset last night. I guess he doesn’t want me to accidentally give my house keys to all the murderers in Plainfield lurking outside our house. I understand that and I am grateful for his concern…I’m also embarrassed and slightly concerned by my reoccurring brain lapse in this area. Today, I quadrupled checked to make sure they were not in the keyhole today because I really hate disappointing people, especially him, and I do not want to see his disappointed/angry face again for awhile.


Alice helping me pack when we were moving

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