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Happy Birfday Nathan!!

June 2, 2012

Today is my hubby’s birthday! He’s 26 years old. That seems really old to me. I’ve pretty much spoiled him this year and it has been so fun!! He has wanted a Kindle Fire ever since it came out. Well, I surprised him and got him the Kindle Fire. He loves it and I pretty much have to force him to hang out with me now. Since I REALLY splurged on his gift we aren’t going out for dinner tonight but we are going to go out for dessert for and fries for me. I’m sure the Kindle will be coming with us too. He is working today but he will be done at 3pm. I’m so excited we get to spend the day together for his birthday. I am very thankful for him and glad that I married my best friend. I thank God for you Hubby!!!

Us driving around. He is so good at watching the road.
Here we are on a pirates ship sailboat in Chicago

Yeah…we might be pirates
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