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July 2, 2012

There is something about summer that makes me so content and happy. I love the smells, the warmth, the extra time spent with family. Nathan got a new job and we are now working the same shift. It is wonderful. We get to spend the evenings together. We enjoy bike rides and exploring Plainfield.

Seth is home so that means my whole family will be in the same country together for a little over one month. Then Kari goes off to China for a year. This will be a special month. I love when we are all together. I think God allowed us to be such a close family for a reason. He knew we weren’t going to be close in proximity to each other forever and we don’t need that. We can be apart for 6 months but when we are together we are just as close if not closer. I’m excited for July. It’s going to be a good month.

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