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Finlay Family Update

October 27, 2012

Well, today is my 25th birthday. 25 seems so old to me. I know it’s not that old but it is the oldest I have ever been. This is going to be an exciting year for us. The chapter of Just Sarah and Nathan is ending and the new chapter of Sarah, Nathan, and Baby is starting!! We found out over a month ago that we are expecting a little Finlay. This came as a surprise to us as we were not trying to start our family yet but we couldn’t be happier. I am due May 28th, 2013. We had our first doctor’s appointment   a couple of weeks ago and we got to see our little baby for the first time. The heart was beating so strong and it was the most precious thing I have ever experienced.

We do not want to find out the gender of the baby. We feel like that is such an awesome surprise so sorry, but you will all have to wait to find out with us! 🙂 We would definitely appreciate prayers for our baby as it is growing. We are still in the first trimester but honestly, couldn’t wait any longer to tell. So please pray the pregnancy continues to be healthy and Baby continues to grow. I would also appreciate prayers too because I have had pretty bad all day sickness. I am so thankful to live in this modern day because I have been prescribed some medicine that has helped me be able to function pretty much like normal. I was so discouraged before the medicine. I will leave you all with this little video. I am extremely uncreative and pretty blunt so this is the video of me telling Nate. 
P.S. He looks angry but it’s just utter shock. He was and is super excited! 🙂

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  1. Congratulations Sarah! Being a mom is awesome! 🙂

  2. Congratulations, we are so excited for you!!!!!

  3. Rachel! permalink

    Oh Sarah and Natron! This is such a good thing! I'm so excited for you!!!!! I miss you both so much, and as soon as I watched the video, I realized how much you both mean to me! I LOVE YOU!!!!

    Ps- I'm due on May 25! 🙂 WOOHOO!! Babies!

  4. Thanks everyone!! 🙂

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