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December 1, 2012

So I had my first Crazy Momma moment this week. Yesterday and today were kind of scary but mostly due to me over thinking. I had some cramping yesterday and called the doctor. They told me to take it easy and if I felt like I needed to come in then to call them the next day. I had no other signs just the cramping and we all thought it was probably gas (tmi…i know). Well I just kept thinking about it and feeling every little cramp so I went in today for the peace of mind. My doctor is awesome and they didn’t make me feel crazy. I really appreciate that. The first thing they did was the sonogram and I cried when I heard the heart beat. Best feeling ever! They said the heart sounded great so I was pleasantly surprised when they did an ultrasound too! Chacha has grown a lot the past two weeks! He doesn’t have as much room to jump around so I think he is resorting to punching me instead. I can’t wait until I can feel him! Thank you Lord that ChaCha is healthy and growing!! Here is a video if you want to watch.

From → ChaCha

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