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End of an Era

December 28, 2012

Well, today is a sad day. My parents had to put down my childhood dog, Locket. Locket is the puppy that I prayed for and she appeared on our doorsteps two weeks later. Mom and Dad were going to take her to the shelter but I told them that I had prayed for a puppy and there she was. I still don’t believe in coincidence, especially when it comes to prayers. They decided to let us keep her but I remember dad asking me to let him know what I was praying for in the future. 🙂 Locket was a wonderfully sweet dog and I am going to miss her so much. I cried a lot harder then I expected when I said goodbye to her this morning. She was so sick and in pain. I know it was for the best. We have wonderful memories with her, Shiloh, and Sadie. As Seth said, Locket was the last link to our childhood. We love and miss you Locket Marie!

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