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We Are Having A…

January 10, 2013

…Baby!! We did it! We made it through the ultrasound without finding out the gender. Nathan did so well not caving into my pleadings, haha. I am so glad we didn’t find out though. The doctor was so supportive of our decision and explained how they will show us the baby and let Nathan make the announcement at the delivery. It’s going to be such a special moment! They also said that Chacha looks perfect, super healthy and there is nothing that they are concerned about at this time. Praise Jesus!!!! Chacha is 12 oz and was squirming all over the place. I just love having ultrasounds and seeing my baby. It is so amazing.

Here is our beautiful baby! I know I am biased but isn’t that an adorable profile!

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One Comment
  1. Rachel!!! permalink

    Sarah! I'm proud of you guys sticking it out and not finding out what ChaCha is.. šŸ™‚ It will be super special when you finally get to meet him or her! Can I just add, though.. I hope it's a girl, so we can arrange her marriage to our little boy? It could be so romantic… especially if they're born on the same day!!!!!!!!! ah!!!! And, Yes.. I will be texting you during labor to see if we are possibly in the hospital at the same time:)

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