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Cold Season

January 20, 2013

Well, I have the dreaded cold. Praise God it has not gotten bad. Yesterday I felt pretty good though today I woke up feeling bad again. I was really nervous when I felt the cold symptoms coming. Normally when I get the symptoms I become an over the counter druggie and Day and Nightquille become my best friend. Being pregnant, this time around I am pretty much stuck with only Benadryl for colds. Benadryl makes me pass out asleep so I have only taken it a couple of nights. Well, this time I have been wiser with my illness. I have drank a ton of water (yuck) but it has helped. I also have eaten alot of blueberries. I am not sure if this helps but I did learn not to eat a ton before bed…you will wake up with stomach cramps. I am also throwing in a lot of garlic in everything I cook. One thing that I really think has helped is I have stayed home and rested. I am not drugging myself up and going on with my normal routine. I am actually letting my body relax and work on this sickness itself. You know what? The world has kept spinning and everything is still working properly even without my management. That is a reminder that everyone needs. I am so thankful that God has protected me so far and I pray that He continues to do so.

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