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24 Weeks

February 8, 2013

Well, I haven’t felt very creative or inspired lately. That’s why I haven’t posted. I had a crazy busy week at work last week and I am still recovering from it. My house is a wreck but I can only clean for so long until my body tells me to stop. It’s only 7:30 pm but I am ready to go to bed. Also, I thought I was supposed to be done puking like 8 weeks ago…blah…Ok…enough with my complaining.

I am 24 weeks now. I feel huge but everyone kept telling me today that I look small. Today, I had two people tell me they thought I would have 5 lb babies…I feel like it’s still early to tell how much my baby will weigh at birth. I wouldn’t mind having tiny babies as long as they are healthy. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow. I tend to take their medical advice more seriously then my clients.

Here are some pictures.

This was obviously before my crazy week at work 

This is obviously after my crazy week at work on top of a bad hair day.

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