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35 Weeks

April 25, 2013

Wow! It’s been 10 weeks since I last posted. I am now 35 weeks and Chacha is ready to be born…right now! I’ve been on bedrest for a week. Last Wednesday morning at 12 am Nathan and I went to the hospital because I was having contractions 10 minutes apart. We were there until 6:30pm the next day. While I was there my contractions became 5 minutes apart and I had dilated. EEEEK! We are not ready for Chacha quite yet…Well, I am ready to hold my baby but I know he/she needs to stay put and grow some more! The doctor and nurses were able to stop the contractions and I am now on bed rest until I am 37 weeks. I still have contractions every day but thankfully they have been controlled by my medicine. I am so thankful for modern medicine, that’s for sure! I would also like to say that our hospital is awesome! They are so accommodating. Once the baby is born it stays with mom and dad the whole time. They don’t take it to the nursery to sleep. They let you do skin to skin with the baby right away to get the temperature regulated. They do all of the checking and bathing in your room. Honestly, I don’t know if this is normal for most hospitals but I am glad it is the policy at mine.  We have decided to decline the Hepatitis B shot for the new born and they didn’t make us feel bad or weird. All we have to do is sign a form declining it. I also love our group of doctors. They are all Christians and it’s so nice that they share the same faith as us. They have taken really good care of us. They explain everything so clearly and do not mind us asking questions. It’s just so nice!

Here are all of my belly pictures from the last 10 weeks. People keep telling me I look small but I feel huge and the baby makes my stomach move and it freaks people out. It’s kind of funny and I am going to miss having this baby safe inside (baby hiccups melt my heart every time) but I am really getting excited to meet my Chacha Baby!

The most realistic picture. Wearing hubby clothes and my room was a mess.
This was taken about an hour before I started having contractions. This picture also makes me want to go to the Dayton Air force Museum with the number decoration.

Cant’ forget Daddy! This was taken his first day as manager! (He’s so handsome!)

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One Comment
  1. EEK! I'm so excited for you guys! I'll be praying for you in the next few weeks, that the little one arrives at just the right time.


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