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June 17, 2013

I have been slacking when it comes to our family blog. I have a good reason though. I have been taking care of a baby. Chacha has been born! May 13, 2013 at 11:02 am, I gave birth to a baby BOY! Breckin Michael Finlay was born 6 lbs 12 oz and was 20 inches long. He is healthy and already 4 weeks old! Honestly, labor and delivery was not as bad as I thought it would be.  I didn’t do it all natural. I had some pain medicine and anti-nausea medicine in my IV at the beginning but it wore off by the time my contractions got really bad and it was time to push. Things progressed very quickly up until that point so I didn’t go with an epidural because I figured recovery from the epidural would take longer than just having the baby. I am so glad I made that decision. Once it was time to push it was actually a relief. After an hour and a half of pushing Breckin Michael was born. He is very healthy. The only thing that scared us was he didn’t pass the hearing test in his left ear until the final try. The doctors were not worried about this but I was because of the hearing issues in my family. Thankfully, he did pass though so we know he can hear.

There are three very special moments that stick out to me from our hospital stay.

1. Nathan announcing “It’s a boy!” He was so excited and I was so happy that he got his son. It was worth the 7 1/2 months of waiting to find out the gender.
2. Watching Nathan and Breckin take their first nap together.
3. Our first night together. Nathan got a terrible case of poison ivy the day Breckin was born so he was drugged up with Benedryl our first night. Therefore it was just Breckin and me. It ended up being good because Breckin and I had a wonderful night of bonding. We worked on nursing and found positions that we both liked and I rocked him all night long. I will never forget that night and cherish it forever.

Breckin is now almost 5 weeks old! He is a lot more alert. He’s getting a little chubby too. He is so laid back and calm. He really is the best baby. We are so blessed to have him a part of our family. Breckin is always grunting and “talking” to us. It’s so cute. I love our special time together nursing and cuddling. These past five weeks have been wonderful. Nathan said it well when he said, “This is the most natural thing we have ever done.” It really feels that way. There have been some difficulties though. I had a virus or mastitis and then I got thrush from the medicine. That is the most painful thing I have ever experienced. If it wasn’t for the fact that breast milk is the healthiest option for Breckin and that I really love nursing I am not sure I would have continued nursing. Thankfully we are thrush free now. Then Breckin got a cold and had a cough. This broke my heart. I cried more for him during his cold than I have every cried. He is doing much better now though. I’ve also had to give up dairy because I am pretty sure it makes him gassy and uncomfortable. I didn’t realize how much dairy I ate and I really miss my Oreos and milk, it’s so worth it though! It’s amazing how the difficulties all fade away when you just look at your baby. I wonder if that will be the case when Breckin is a teenager ;)?

Well, here are some pictures of our little B! Enjoy!

This was moments after he was born. This is such a special picture to me.

Newborn B! 

Brecken’s first bath. This is one of my favorite pictures of him. He just looks so grumpy/confused. He was really good for his first bath. He didn’t even cry!

His Blue Steele look.

Grammy with Breckin

Daddy and Breckin. Nathan is an amazing dad. I love watching these two!
Thank you Mandy Peltier for taking the next wonderful pictures for us!

This was taken at my 40 week mark! 🙂

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One Comment
  1. Yay! Congrats Sarah! Thanks for this post. Those first weeks are just full of so much love. I think you are a superhero for sticking with nursing through the difficult bits! I found nursing Lu to be one of the best experiences in life. 🙂

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