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May 16, 2014

Well, I haven’t written in a long while. Honestly it’s because life got really stressful and hard. 2014 has been a tragic year. Recently, I’ve been thinking about writing more again but I just haven’t gotten to it. On Wednesday night I received a call from my mom. My Aunt Debbie had passed away in a tragic accident. I was and still am in shock. I felt that it was fitting for my first post to be about Aunt Deb. She always encouraged me so much about my blog, always commenting on it and sending me messages about how she enjoyed hearing about our growing family. So this first post is about my Aunt Deb and the legacy she has left.

Aunt Debbie is my dad’s brother’s wife. When we were growing up she would always wear dresses to our family get-together’s. When I was little I loved wearing dresses too and I remember thinking she was the most beautiful person ever. She is still one of the most beautiful people I have ever met both on the inside and out. Aunt Deb had the best voice and laugh. I would hear her laugh across the room and it always made me laugh too, even if I didn’t know what they were talking about. She also made the best jello-jigglers, hahahaha. They were my favorite at our Thanksgivingmas party.

I really got to know Aunt Debbie better because of facebook. She would send me encouraging messages and let me know she was praying for me. I am really going to miss those messages. She always posted verses and inspirational notes to facebook too. They were always what I needed at that moment. There was even one she posted just a couple of weeks ago that I shared last night because it was directly related to a conversation I had with my brother, yesterday. Aunt Debbie loved her family so much and you could see that love shine from her face. My heart is so broken for my uncle and cousins and their kids. I love you all and am praying for His peace and comfort during this time.

I am going to be honest, this year has been such a testing to my faith. It just seems like God is allowing one thing after another to happen to my family or those closest. I do know though that Aunt Debbie would not want this to shake my faith but to strengthen it. She has started her eternity with Christ and would point us all to Him even more now than she did while she was here. It’s been hard to see the goodness of God these past couple of days (and months) but as my mother-in-love said yesterday “God is good all the time. All the time God is good. Everything good we have is because of Him.” I needed to hear that and I am so thankful for the reminder.

I’m going to miss you Aunt Deb. I love you so much!!

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